Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Philosophy of Blogging

“It's hard to live with someone else's flimsy attempts to avoid your real concerns, but pushing to get your way doesn't seem to make it any better. You would rather be given a straightforward answer today, even if it is "no." Nevertheless you might not get the resolution you seek. Minimize your irritation by acknowledging that others may not be working on the same timetable and just walk away.”

According to Rick Levine of, the above is the daily prospective provided by my horoscope for today, Thursday July 10th. Perhaps this can be accounted for via the vagueness in such things, but I have always found some semblance of truth – or at least usefulness – in my daily horoscope readings.

As an anecdote, it is interesting that I have more faith in my horoscope than I have in, you know, actual faith.

I mention my horoscope because it ties directly into what I was intending to write about today. It’s influential enough, in fact, to alter what I had intended to write. I was going to write yet another mindless rambling about my conflicted interests in life. Such writing would not be without reason. Consciously, I would tell you that my purpose would be to “allow my internal emotions flow externally through my preferred medium of writing.” And, of course, there would be some therapeutic value in that. However, subconsciously, my true purpose in writing would be to initiate a response from the reader who, in turn, would bring some magical solution to untie the conflicting strands that is my web of desires and interests.

To those of you that follow along here at Educated Soldier, if you are assuming that this struggle is between my desire to become Special Forces qualified and my law school aspirations, you are absolutely correct (for more info, click the link and scroll WAY down). But that’s hardly significant in the current discussion.

What does interest me currently (and does so because my horoscope only just now made me aware of this phenomenon) is why I – or anyone else – would expect answers from you concerning my personal, potentially life-altering choices. I think this tendency is common amongst many bloggers. In fact, it is probably what motivates us to write. We have this sense that we must communally share our emotions, problems, and decisions. But is this common outside of this virtual realm? Do normal people stand on street corners professing what is important to them continuously until some passerby responds in a method deemed satisfactory?

Blogging is akin to walking into an art gallery and immediately chatting up individuals observing a piece that you admire. And, ironically, making uninitiated conversation is not a strong suit of mine. Yet there is some inherent characteristic shared by that action and the act of blogging. Readers arrive at Educated Soldier because they have some similar interest to my own. And then I just immediately chat them up. In the art gallery analogy, one could at least assume that the discussion would pertain to the piece of art that the involved parties find intriguing. What’s interesting is that logic does not necessarily hold true in the world of blogging. When I begin to chat you up here, I may not even mention the topic that is of mutual interest. In fact, I may just dismiss all foreplay, and immediately begin expressing to you a large portion of my hopes, desires, and problems.

And then I await your answers. And, of course, a lack of response just causes me to talk more.

This whole blogging thing is so unlike the real life that I have lived and known.

So I had intended to produce an edition of Educated Soldier today that would allow me to receive the definitive solution to my current predicaments. But, instead, I allowed my horoscope to complete its self-fulfilling magic. The horoscope indicated that I would receive no worthy solution or, at least, one that fails to fit my time table of immediacy. This will certainly prove true because I am not going to ask any questions. I will flesh out my concerns on a day when my horoscope suggests that viable and workable solutions are more likely to be produced.

Meanwhile, I will just continue to ponder internally this philosophy of blogging that I am developing (thank you until someone comments with something thought-shattering. While today was a bit abstract (and I am allowed that indulgence occasionally), I promise that upcoming editions of Educated Soldier will be a bit less esoteric in nature. In fact, here are three topics that I hope to expand on in later postings:

Texas Congressman Jim Culberson (R) battles with congressional leaders over web 2.0 applications. I beg you to read more about this story because it is so genuinely fascinating. Congressional leaders are attempting to prohibit the use of web 2.0 institutions (such as twitter, YouTube, etc) by its legislative members. Meanwhile, Congressman Jim Culberson is fighting the prohibition via… you guessed it… web 2.0 programs!! Meanwhile, the Educated Soldier has become a twitter follower of Jim Culberson. This has caused me to become aware of the political value in the web 2.0 programs that some are attempting to prohibit from the democratic process: they make the constituent feel that he or she is truly in on the political discourse. Please read this link – I am sure I will produce additional comment as this storyline progresses!*

My actual conflicting interests that spawned today’s post: becoming Special Forces qualified (and, thus, interrupting school – which I am oh so close to completing) or attempting to gain admission to a prestigious law school. (Georgetown, I am talking about you). Associated discourse may delve into the source of my homesickness somehow transferring from the place of my up-bringing, North Dakota, to Washington, D.C., a location I have never actually called “home”.

My new found fascination with taxi cab blogs. Here are two of the best: Tampa Taxi Shots, Mad Cabbie.

*Follow me on twitter:


Bag Blog said...

I like the art gallery simile. I write something from my soul and no one comments or they comment with platitudes like “that’s nice.” I write cutesy stories from my life and everyone loves them. The trick is to hide the soul within the story and not expect too much from commentors – it is very much the same with my art. So I have no magical solution to offer to your current predicament. Here is a platitude: hang in there – it will all work out.

Maybe people write not because they are looking for solutions, but for approval. It is always fun when someone disapproves and causes new thoughts.

I did find your faith in horoscopes interesting. Where as a horoscope may offer wise words and sometimes those words may be true, there is no substance or assurance in horoscopes of things hoped. We make life decisions based on faith. I would hate to put my life in the hands of some unknown, unproved person who writes platitudes.

Nancy Coppock said...

Sounds like you are in the Robert Frost, pre-decision of "Road Not Taken". Hindsight always sees so clearly. But then there is such romance to taking the blurry, untraveled, and difficult road which almost makes choosing a wrong path seem right.

As a middle aged lady, who's learned a few things I can only say that I've made decisions without seeking God and then decisions that I did seek God. The best decisions made were those in which my God was included.

I've been through some rough things just thrown at me and in those depths I thought either the Bible means something or it doesn't, and so I attacked it like a schoolgirl, reading every book beginning to end and I was stunned in awe by the big picture I began to perceive.

Big God became my personal God. He knew me first, and I was finally getting to know Him. I believed before, but now I KNEW. Wisdom had come as a side benefit and now I understood what my life was all about and why the world was what it is.

You have so many choices before you. Better choices than I could have imagined at any phase of my life. God has laid a feast before you, but just as in the fairy tales, there is some secret that you must understand to make the "right" choice for your heart.

As Solomon said, "Seek wisdom first, and with it get understanding."