A Senator Makes Me Sick and Other Assorted Items...
Several items of note today.
First, I must mention the passing of the Reverend Jerry Falwell. While his death has been unfortunate, I am not going to dwell on the subject simply because I know relatively little about the fellow. Of course, I understand his contribution to the Right, and especially in regards to the pushing for the election of President Reagan, and I commend him for that. However, I never really identified with the more severely evangelical set of those who have now been termed “neo-conservatives.” So, with all that having been said, I am sorry for his loss, greatly appreciate his life of contribution, but ultimately his death is not an event that really alters my political perspective- so to say.
However, what has been noteworthy to me is the following. I subscribe to both the Republican and Democrat Parties’ email listservs. Today, I received my typical Democratic propaganda from a gentleman apparently named Michael Lawley. Well, it seems Mr. Lawley would like me to join Senator John Edwards push to gather 100,000 names to sign a petition pushing for Congress to continue to hinge war-funding bills on the re-deployment (withdrawal) of troops from
Allow me to quote from the email: “Congress took the right first step by passing their last funding bill setting a timetable for withdrawing our troops from
This quote proves to me that I was unfortunately wrong. I was under the impression that those in Congress were coming to their senses following the President’s veto. Instead, apparently, it seems only that their resolve has dropped.
I say time and time again that it is terrible military strategy to forecast withdrawals based on certain time limits or benchmarks. What’s worse is to forecast these withdrawals and then attempt to make certain that they will become realized by holding the troops’ funds ransom. It truly boggles my mind that there are certain Congress members who genuinely feel that these sort of bully-like tactics are moral. To me, it’s an outrage. You know, the more I reflect on this email and Senator Edwards’ agenda, the more I feel that we should retaliate and partition to have him exiled or worse. The anger I have for the way the Democrats are handling this war-spending bill is raging and growing daily.
Wake up, people! There are soldiers out there that need this funding figured out. There’s a mission that needs to be completed. This is ridiculous…
Moving on…
Last night, I had a lively discussion with a friend of mine concerning the always budding situation with
However, I did not agree with his assessment that it is almost getting to be time for us (Americans) to be more militarily aggressive towards
Here’s the dilemma. And, allow me to preface this by saying that
We attack. In retaliation, Hezbollah pushes from
It would be interesting to hear others’ takes on the Iranian situation. Thanks. And that’s it for today.